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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Chairman Wood called to order the regular meeting of the County of Sullivan Industrial Development Agency at approximately 10:00 A.M., which was held in the Legislative Committee Room at the Sullivan County Government Center, Monticello, New York.
Members Present
Elwin Wood
Harris Alport
Charles Barbuti
Cindy Garlinghouse
Harold Gold
Suzanne Loughlin
Edward Sykes
Raymond Walter
Members Absent
Steve White
Staff Present
Jennifer C.S. Brylinski, Exec. Dir.
Elizabeth A. Hunt, Exec. Assistant
Staff Absent
Others Present-
Allan C. Scott, ALSCO Management, Inc./Consultant /IDA CEO
Walter F. Garigliano, Esq., Agency Legal Counsel
Tara Lewis, Garigliano Law Offices
Leni Binder, Sullivan County Legislator
Jill Weyer, Assistant Commissioner, SC Planning & Environmental Management
Dan Hust, Sullivan County Democrat
Ari Straus, President, Monticello Motor Club
Barbara Burton, Sullivan County Resident
Sonia Hedlund, Sullivan County Resident
Jan London, Sullivan County Resident
(Please note: (i) Mr. Gold arrived at the meeting at
Approximately 10:04 A.M. and (ii) not all attendees
were present for the entire meeting)
Mr. Barbuti made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2011 regular meeting, the motion was seconded by Mr. Gold, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Barbuti made a motion to approve the revised schedule of payments. Before the motion could be seconded, Mr. Garigliano interjected by asking if the payment to Harris Beach, PLLC, not be paid by the IDA. He explained that this bill should be paid the newly formed Sullivan County Funding Corporation once the set up of the corporation is in place. He further explained that this payment is regarding the groundwork for the East Broadway Re-Development project. That being said, the motion was re-made by Mr. Sykes to approve the revised Schedule of Payments, with the omission of the Harris Beach, PLLC payment. Mr. Barbuti seconded the motion, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried.
Ms. Brylinski advised the Board that the AgriBusiness Agreement with Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation (“HVADC”) has been completed and signed by Todd Erling, Executive Director of HVADC. She advised that Mr. Erling will be beginning his outreach later this month or the beginning of September.
Mr. Brylinski advised that the new web site is up and running and has gotten several comments and questions from the public via the website.
Mr. Brylinski concluded by advising the Board that the aerial and field work have been completed regarding the proposed Red Meat Processing Facility. Mr. Garigliano added that revised site plans have been submitted and that the only item still needing to be addressed is the storm water drainage issue. There was a brief discussion regarding some aspects of the project. Ms. Brylinski also added that there are five grants associated with this project, which requires a great deal of paperwork to be submitted.
Mr. Garigliano passed out to the Board a resolution authorizing, approving and consenting to a Lease from Frontier Insurance Company in Rehabilitation as landlord to Offerya, LLC as tenant. On a motion by Mr. Walter, seconded by Mr. Sykes, the Board voted and the resolution was unanimously passed.
Ms. Brylinski wished to discuss with the Board three prospective loan applicants, K. Cee’s Catering, Inc., Carmine’s Meat Market, LLC, and David and Donalette Appel of Appel Produce. She explained that it was originally contemplated that all these loan applicants would utilize the Millennium RLF but then she explained that after speaking with Mr. Garigliano there is the possibility that two of the loans, K. Cee’s Catering and Appel Produce, could possibly be recipients of the RMAP loan that will be made to the IDA via USDA. She explained that by using this avenue, there will be more funds available in the Millennium RLF. Carmine’s will definitely be a recipient of the Millennium RLF. K. Cee’s is a loan of $50,000 at 3% interest for 5 years. Carmine’s Meat Market is a loan of $30,000 at 3% interest for 5 years. Appel Produce is a loan of $25,000 at 3% interest for 5 years. As not to slow down the loan process waiting for the funding of the RMAP money, Mr. Garigliano presented the Board with a resolution terminating the IDA’s Main Street Revolving Loan Fund (“MSRLF”) and authorizing the transfer of those funds to be used for other purposes, namely, to be the opening amount of a separate RMAP Loan Fund. Out of the approximate amount of $150,000 in the MSRLF, $125,000 would be utilized to open the RMAP Loan Account and the remaining balance would go back into the IDA’s general fund. These funds were originally surplus IDA funds. On a motion by Mr. Sykes, seconded by Mr. Walter, the Board voted and the resolution was unanimously passed. Ms. Brylinski wished to say that the IDA was very fortunate to receive this RMAP loan from the USDA. She will furnish the Board with the link to the web site so that they can get further details on the loan. Regarding the loan applicants, Mr. Walter had a few questions regarding information on the applications. There was some brief discussion regarding the applications. It was agreed that Carmine’s will submit to the IDA a revised application. On a motion by Mr. Gold, seconded by Mr. Sykes, the Board voted and unanimously approved the three loan applications.
Mr. Scott introduced to the Board, Ari Straus of the Monticello Motor Club. Mr. Straus wished to speak with the Board regarding public comments that were made at the July 12, 2011 regular meeting. Mr. Straus spoke to the Board about, among other things, the economic impact of the project, the number of jobs produced and certain concessions that have been made at the request of local residents.
Chairman Wood asked if there was any public comment.
Ms. Hedlund commented on the information Mr. Straus just furnished the Board. She questioned Mr. Straus about the noise at the project. Mr. Straus advised Ms. Hedlund that he would be happy to speak to her after the meeting.
Ms. Hedlund advised the Board that prior to the meeting she handed out to them and those present the Sullivan County Farm Network Quarterly Newsletter and an internet print out regarding a mobile slaughterhouse.
Ms. Burton made a general comment to the Board and those present.
Mr. London had a question for Mr. Straus regarding the talk he gave to the Board. Mr. Straus advised Mr. London that he would be happy to discuss the matter with him after the meeting.
There was a brief discussion regarding the Sullivan County Funding Corporation and its involvement with the old Apollo Plaza.
There being no further business or public comment, on a motion by Mr. Sykes, seconded by Ms. Loughlin, the Board voted and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:50 A.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Elizabeth A. Hunt
Executive Assistant