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Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Chairman Steingart called to order the regular meeting of the County of Sullivan Industrial Development Agency at approximately 10:00 A.M., which was held in the Legislative Committee Room at the Sullivan County Government Center, Monticello, New York.
Members Present- Members Absent-
Ira Steingart Harold Gold
Charles Barbuti Sean Rieber
Harris Alport Sandy Shaddock
Edward Sykes
Suzanne Loughlin
Steve White
Staff Present- Staff Absent-
Jennifer C.S. Brylinski, Exec. Director None
Others Present-
Allan C. Scott, ALSCO Management, Inc. /Consultant /IDA CEO
Walter F. Garigliano, Esq., Agency Legal Counsel
Tara Lewis, Garigliano Law Offices
Scott Samuelson, Chairman, Sullivan County Legislature
Kitty Vetter, Sullivan County Legislator
Gene Benson, Sullivan County Legislator
Cindy Gieger, Sullivan County Legislator
Laura Quigley, Director, Center for Workforce Development
Leonard Sparks, Times Herald Record
Dan Hust, Sullivan County Democrat
Mr. Barbuti made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2013 regular meeting and the March 19, 2013 special meeting. Mr. White seconded the motion, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried.
Ms. Loughlin made a motion to approve the revised schedule of payments, the motion was seconded by Mr. Sykes, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried.
Jennifer Brylinski
Ms. Brylinski advised the Board of the following items that were completed: IDA and SCFC Annual Audit, IDA and SCFC PARIS reporting, PILOT payments to taxing jurisdictions, IDA and SCFC website updates.
Allan C. Scott
Mr. Scott will give his update at the May meeting.
Ms. Brylinski answered a question regarding last year’s FY 2011 PARIS submittal which Board members had been notified about.
Mr. Garigliano updated the Board regarding the Brookfield Power project (West Delaware Hydro). The agreement settled upon for a PILOT between the project and the Town does not fit into one of the Agency’s Uniform Tax Exempt Policies, so a deviation process will have to be commenced.
Mr. Barbuti requested an update on the Red Meat Facility. Mr. Garigliano stated that the RBOG grant from the USDA still needs to be transferred from the Sullivan County Ag LDC to the IDA.
Mr. Garigliano passed out to the Board a resolution approving a sales tax exemption period for Theowins / Catskill Brewery for another six months. Mr. Garigliano explained that the project is moving forward and all the proposed work is within the scope of the original project plan approved by the Board. On a motion from Mr. Barbuti, seconded by Mr. White, the Board voted and the resolution was unanimously passed.
Mr. Barbuti questioned the status of the State Budget as it affects IDAs. Mr. Garigliano explained that the proposed State Sales Tax benefit elimination did not occur, and that many of the restrictions that were previously placed on retail assistance have been reinstated.
Ms. Vetter stated that she and several of the other County Legislators supported the IDA’s efforts to help the economy of the County, and they support the Concord project. But still she and those legislators would like to see the IDA give less benefits to that project. Possibly this could be done through a project audit process. She thanked the IDA Board again for their hard work.
Ms. Gieger agreed with the sentiments of Ms. Vetter, but also had concerns about the IDA process. She would like to see the IDA have a better handle of the benefits given a project so that the benefits do not exceed the need. Ms. Gieger questioned the Board about a State Senate bill that would give technical grant assistance to farmers, but the Board was not aware of the bill.
Chairman Steingart asked if there were any further questions or public comment.
There being none, the Board went into Executive Session at 10:35 AM to discuss a Personnel matter. On a motion by Mr. White, seconded by Ms. Loughlin, the Board voted and went into Executive Session.
At 11:10, on a motion by Ms. Loughlin, seconded by Mr. Sykes, the Board voted and came out of Executive Session.
There being no future discussion, on a motion by Ms. Loughlin, seconded by Mr. Sykes, the Board voted and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:11 A.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Jennifer CS Brylinski
Executive Director