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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Chairman Steingart called to order the regular meeting of the County of Sullivan Industrial Development Agency at approximately 10:05 A.M., which was held in the Legislative Committee Room at the Sullivan County Government Center, Monticello, New York.
Members Present- Members Absent-
Ira Steingart Harris Alport
Charles Barbuti
Harold Gold
Suzanne Loughlin
Sean Rieber
Sandy Shaddock
Edward Sykes
Steve White
Staff Present- Staff Absent-
Jennifer C.S. Brylinski, Exec. Dir. None
Elizabeth A. Hunt, Exec. Assistant
Others Present-
Allan C. Scott, ALSCO Management, Inc. /Consultant /IDA CEO
Walter F. Garigliano, Esq., Agency Legal Counsel
Tara Lewis, Garigliano Law Offices
Scott Samuelson, Sullivan County Legislator
Alan Sorensen, Sullivan County Legislator
Kathleen “Kitty” Vetter, Sullivan County Legislator
Jennifer Mall, SC Planning Department Agriculture Planner
Dan Hust, Sullivan County Democrat
Dick Riseling
(Please be advised that not all the attendees were present for the entire meeting)
Mr. Gold made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2012 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barbuti, the Board voted, with Chairman Steingart abstaining and the motion was carried. Mr. Gold made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 28, 2012 reconvened meeting, Mr. Barbuti seconded the motion the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Sykes made a motion to approve the revised schedule of payments, the motion was seconded by Mr. White, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried.
Jennifer Brylinski
Ms. Brylinski advised the Board that she and Ms. Hunt has been very busy with administrative duties this past month due to the rules, regulations and reports associated with the recent RMAP loans. Ms. Brylinski also advised that she has been working on complying with certain US Department of Commerce requirements and reports and meeting with potential loan applicants. Finally she reported that the 2013 Budget is being worked on.
Allan C. Scott
Mr. Scott reported to the Board that he too has had a busy month. He advised the Board that he met with the Towns of Highland and Fallsburg and made a presentation to them on the many IDA programs. Among other things, he will be meeting with other towns later this month. He has been involved in meeting with potential loan applicants, attended various town and village meetings as well as EDC meetings.
Mr. Gold asked of Ms. Brylinski if she felt that the public was sufficiently aware of the various IDA loan programs. Ms. Brylinski replied that she felt, yes, this was the case. She explained that she does the intake and review of applications, meets with the potential loan applicants that have met the loan criteria, then does a summary and forwards it to the proper loan committee. However, many of the applications are incomplete and require further information from the applicant. She explained that when requested to supply further information, many of the applicants are not heard from again. There was a brief discussion regarding the loan process.
Chairman Steingart acknowledged that this is not IDA business but wanted to briefly advise those present that the dissolution of SCALD, Inc. and the SC Ag LDC should not be as involved as first thought and that the process is moving along.
Chairman Steingart advised that a review committee will soon be setting up appointments to meet with the municipalities regarding the IDA’s current PILOT programs.
Mr. Garigliano passed out to the Board a resolution approving the third quarter 2012 payment to the Partnership for Economic Development. On a motion by Mr. Sykes, seconded by Mr. Rieber, with Ms. Loughlin abstaining, the Board voted, and the resolution was passed.
Mr. Garigliano passed out to the Board a resolution (i) rescinding IDA resolution 36-12 and (ii) authorizing and approving RLF loan to David and Donalette Appel (collectively “Appel”) in an amount not to exceed $75,000. Mr. Garigliano explained that the resolution being rescinded was approved at the August 28, 2012, reconvened IDA meeting and was originally in the amount of $50,000. In a subsequent meeting with Appel it was determined that it would be more advantageous to increase the loan amount to $75,000. This would allow Appel to pay off an existing mortgage and also the current IDA loan. The new loan arrangement will make the Appel payments more affordable and additionally the IDA will hold a first mortgage position as security for the loan. There will be a provision that Appel first utilize the loan to improve the façade of the building. Mr. Gold complimented Mr. Garigliano on his efforts to work out the situation and benefit the community of Rock Hill at the same time. Mr. Rieber concurred. On a motion by Mr. Rieber, seconded by Mr. Sykes, the Board voted and the resolution was unanimously passed.
Mr. Garigliano presented to the Board a resolution authorizing and approving a RMAP loan in the amount of $50,000 to CH222, Inc. (“Catskill Harvest”). He briefly reviewed the project for the Board and those present. On a motion by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Gold, the Board voted and the resolution was unanimously passed.
Ms. Shaddock and the Board had a brief discussion regarding the benefits of the PILOT program and how it possibly could be improved.
Chairman Steingart questioned the Board and those present if there were any further questions or comments. There being none, on a motion by Mr. Rieber, seconded by Mr. Sykes the Board voted and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:34 A.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Elizabeth Hunt
Executive Assistant